Multipurpose Imaging System (GelDoc)


Model: ChemiDocTM MP Imaging System, Bio-Rad

The ChemiDoc MP Imaging System is a full-feature instrument for imaging and analyzing gels and western blots. It is designed to perform multiplex fluorescent western blotting, chemiluminescence detection, and general gel documentation applications. The 16-bit CCD camera is ready for use in minutes, the advanced Peltier cooling and binning significantly reduce noise levels, increasing both the sensitivity and linearity of the system. The white epi-light source (470-635 nm) is for documentation of colorimetric markers and stains, such as coomassie blue and silver stain. The white light mode can be combined with the chemiluminescent mode to generate an overlay image between a colored marker and a chemiluminescent sample.
This multipurpose imaging system is equipped to carry out:
Chemiluminescence applications
Multiplex fluorescent western blotting
Colorimetry/densitometry measurements
Gel documentation
Trans-UV with 302 nm excitation, Epi-white with trans-white conversion screen.
Supercooled 16-bit CCD (-30°C), Emission filters: 530, 605 and 695 nm with auto, semi-auto and increment exposure modes.


Equipment Details Price
Government Organisation Non-Government Organisation
Multipurpose Imaging System (GelDoc), ChemiDoc MP Imaging System Rs.200 Rs.400

GST: 18% extra on the above charges.