AVANCE 300MNHz SAR-NMR spectrometer


Model:  BRUKER AVANCE 300MNHz SAR-NMR spectrometer from Bruker AG
The principle behind NMR is that many nuclei have spin and all nuclei are electrically charged. If an external magnetic field is applied, an energy transfer is possible between the base energy to a higher energy level (generally a single energy gap). The energy transfer takes place at a wavelength that corresponds to radio frequencies and when the spin returns to its base level, energy is emitted at the same frequency. The signal that matches this transfer is measured in many ways and processed in order to yield an NMR spectrum for the nucleus concerned.

In general, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is used to study the structure of molecules, the interaction of various molecules, the kinetics or dynamics of molecules and the composition of mixtures of biological or synthetic solutions or composites. NMR nuclear spectroscopy complements other structural and analytical techniques such as X-ray, crystallography and mass spectrometry. NMR’s advantage is the unique ability of a nuclear spectrometer to allow both the non-destructive and the quantitative study of molecules in solution and in solid state, as well as to enable the study of biological fluids.
The 300 MHz instrument at THSTI is more suitable for small molecule structure elucidation. At THSTI, we can run 1 H, 31 P,  13C, and various 2D NMR experiments for small molecules.
AVHD 300N 1 AVANCE III HD 300MHz NanoBay NMR Spectrometer High Performance Digital NMR Spectrometer equipped with high performance actively shielded UltraShieldTM superconducting magnet system.300MHz, 54 mm bore (operation field at 7.05 T).

Equipment Details Price
Government Organisation Non-Government Organisation
AVANCE 300MNHz SAR-NMR spectrometer, SAR-NMR 300MHz (H1, P31) Rs.750 Rs.2000
AVANCE 300MNHz SAR-NMR spectrometer, SAR-NMR 300MHz (C13) Rs.1500 Rs.4000

Note: Please add Rs 200 per sample for DMSO. GST: 18% extra on the above charges.