Mass Spectrometry Facility


Model:  Vanquish Neo UHPLC and Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS (Thermo Scientific)


Mass spectrometry (MS) is an analytical method in which sample produces charged ions according to the complexity of the sample and further they are determined according to their mass and charge. A spectrum is produced during sample acquisition which shows ion abundance versus m/z ratio. A mass spectrometer analyse the samples in following components

  • Ionization source --Produce charged ions from the sample
  • Mass analyzer-- resolve these charged ions according to their mass to charge ratio.
  • Ion detectors -- measures the relative abundance of the ions and transforms the ions into electrical signals.
  • Transfer the signals to the computer and data analysis



  •  Mass-spectrometry technique helps in qualitative and quantitative analysis of the samples.
  •  Help in categorizing anonymous compounds in the samples
  •  Finding the isotopic pattern of the compound
  •  Identification of post translational modifications



  • Protein identification
  • Label-free quantitation (DDA and DIA/SWATH)
  • Label-based quantitation (SILAC and iTRAQ/TMT)
  • Targeted proteomics (SRM/MRM)


Equipment Details Price
Government Organisation Non-Government Organisation
Mass Spectrometry Facility, SCIEX Rs.12000 Rs.14500

GST: 18% extra on the above charges.