Imaging Facility: Confocal Microscope
Model: FV1000, Olympus
Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) is an optical imaging technique for increasing optical resolution and contrast of a micrograph by means of using a spatial pinhole to block out-of-focus light in image formation. Confocal microscopy has several advantages over conventional microscopy including shallow depth of field, elimination of out-of-focus glare, and the ability to collect serial optical sections from thick specimens. The major application of confocal microscopy involves imaging either fixed or living cells and tissues that have usually been labeled with one or more fluorescent probes. It used for multi-color imaging, single optical section imaging, Z-stacking, and lambda imaging for spectral characterization.
Study of subcellular localization of proteins
Co-localization analysis
Live cell imaging is not available currently.
Lasers: 405, 473, 559, 635;
Objectives: 10x and 20x (air objectives); 40x, 60x and 100x (oil objectives)
Equipment Details | Price | ||
Government Organisation | Non-Government Organisation | ||
Imaging Facility: Confocal Microscope, Olympus | Rs.1400 | Rs.2800 | |