Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Facility

Working Principle
This facility enables researchers to perform highly sensitive, accurate, and reproducible quantitation of gene expression. The qRT systems can be used with TaqMan probe-based chemistry or intercalating dyes such as SYBR Green and is compatible with 96 wells, 384 wells. It monitors the amplification of a targetedDNAmolecule during the PCR, i.e. in real-time, and not at its end, as in conventional PCR. Real-time PCR is carried out in a thermal cycler with the capacity to illuminate each sample with a beam of light of at least one specified wavelength and detect the fluorescence emitted by the excited fluorophore. The two common methods for the detection of PCR products in real-time PCR are: 1 non-specificfluorescent dyesthatintercalatewith any double-stranded DNA, and 2 sequence-specificDNA probesconsisting ofoligonucleotidesthat are labelled with afluorescentreporter and quencher which permits detection only afterhybridizationof the probe with its complementary sequence.

1. Quantification of gene expression
2. Diagnostic uses
3. Microbiological uses
4. Detection of phytopathogens
5. Detection of genetically modified organisms
6. Clinical quantification
7. SNP genotyping
8. High resolution melt curve
9. Environmental remediation applications

The 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System is optimized for use with standard dye sets: FAM/SYBR Green I, VIC/JOE, NED/ TAMRA/ Cy3, ROX/Texas Red, and Cy5 dyes. SYBER green assays Multiplexing: Five dyes per

Concern Person
Mr. Vishal Gupta, 0129-2876327 

Equipment Details Price
Government Organisation Non-Government Organisation
Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Facility, ABI Rs.550 Rs.1100

GST: 18% extra on the above charges.