Welcome to Blogging platform for THSTI

Dear THSTIans,

We are happy to announce a blogging platform for THSTI. The Blog epitomizes the institute’s spirit of sharing knowledge, ideas and opinion. An interesting feature of the blog will be support to multilingualism to make it more accessible to the people who are more comfortable reading their vernacular.

The blog is complemented with an Android app, multiple screen size support, Google Translator and RSS feeds.

You are invited to register, write, read and express your opinion on posts written by your mentors and colleagues.

So, हिंदी में लिखो, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਲਿਖੋ, বাংলায় লিখুন or Opine in English! Bloggers are encouraged to provide links to other online sources (textual and visual) to support their write-ups.

The Blog is now OPEN for registration. 

Visit www.thsti.res.in/blog

So, use this opportunity to interact with other THSTIans and have fun, blogging!


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